Building the project

This project is built with Maven. It needs Java >= 1.11. Source code is available on GitHub. Thanks to JetBrains for the IntelliJ IDEA License!

Jet Brains

Clone the project

Use git to clone the project locally:

git clone
cd fscrawler

Build the artifact

To build the project, run:

mvn clean package

The final artifacts are available in distribution/esX/target directory where X is the elasticsearch major version target.


To build it faster (without tests), run:

mvn clean package -DskipTests

Integration tests

When running from the command line with mvn integration tests are ran against all supported versions. This is done by running a Docker instance of elasticsearch using the expected version.

A HTTP server is also started on port 8080 during the integration tests, alternatively the assigned port can be set with argument.

Run tests from your IDE

To run integration tests from your IDE, you need to start tests in fscrawler-it-common module. But you need first to specify the Maven profile to use and rebuild the project.

  • es-7x for Elasticsearch 7.x

  • es-6x for Elasticsearch 6.x

Run a specific test from your Terminal

To run a specific integration test, just run:

mvn verify -am -Dtests.class=fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.test.integration.CLASS_NAME -Dtests.method="METHOD_NAME"

Run tests with an external cluster

Launching the docker containers might take some time so if to want to run the test suite against an already running cluster, you need to provide a tests.cluster.url value. This will skip launching the docker instances.

To run the test suite against an elasticsearch instance running locally, just run:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 -Dtests.cluster.url=http://localhost:9200


If you want to run against a version 6, run:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v6 -Dtests.cluster.url=http://localhost:9200


If you are using a secured instance, use tests.cluster.user, tests.cluster.pass and tests.cluster.url:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 \
    -Dtests.cluster.user=elastic \
    -Dtests.cluster.pass=changeme \
    -Dtests.cluster.url= \


To run tests against another instance (ie. running on Elasticsearch service by Elastic, you can also use tests.cluster.url to set where elasticsearch is running:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 \
    -Dtests.cluster.user=elastic \
    -Dtests.cluster.pass=changeme \

Or even easier, you can use the Cloud ID available on you Cloud Console:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 \
    -Dtests.cluster.user=elastic \
    -Dtests.cluster.pass=changeme \

Using security feature

Integration tests are run by default against a secured Elasticsearch cluster.

New in version 2.7.

Secured tests are using by default changeme as the password. You can change this by using tests.cluster.pass option:

mvn verify -Dtests.cluster.pass=mystrongpassword

Testing Workplace Search connector

New in version 2.7.

The Workplace Search integration is automatically tested when running the integration tests. The maven process will start both elasticsearch and enterprise search nodes. Note that this could take several minutes before to have it up and running.

To test the Workplace Search connector against an existing cluster, you can provide the tests.cluster.url setting. This will skip launching the containers and all the test suite will run against this external cluster:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 \
    -Dtests.cluster.url=http://localhost:9200 \
    -Dtests.cluster.user=elastic \
    -Dtests.cluster.pass=changeme \


By default, tests.workplace.user and tests.workplace.pass are using the same values as for tests.cluster.user and tests.cluster.pass. But if you want to use another username and password to connect to workplace search, you can override the settings:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 \
    -Dtests.cluster.url=http://localhost:9200 \
    -Dtests.cluster.user=elastic \
    -Dtests.cluster.pass=changeme \
    -Dtests.workplace.user=enterprise_search \

To run Workplace Search tests against the Enterprise Search service by Elastic, you can also use something like:

mvn verify -pl fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler:fscrawler-it-v7 \
    -Dtests.cluster.url= \
    -Dtests.cluster.user=elastic \
    -Dtests.cluster.pass=changeme \
    -Dtests.workplace.url= \
    -Dtests.workplace.user=enterprise_search \

Changing the REST port

By default, FS crawler will run the integration tests using port 8080 for the REST service. You can change this by using option:

mvn verify

Randomized testing

FS Crawler uses the randomized testing framework. In case of failure, it will print a line like:

mvn test -Dtests.seed=AC6992149EB4B547 -Dtests.class=fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.test.unit.tika.TikaDocParserTest -Dtests.method="testExtractFromRtf" -Dtests.locale=ga-IE -Dtests.timezone=Canada/Saskatchewan

You can just run the test again using the same seed to make sure you always run the test in the same context as before.

Tests options

Some options are available from the command line when running the tests:

  • tests.leaveTemporary leaves temporary files after tests. false by default.

  • tests.parallelism how many JVM to launch in parallel for tests. auto by default which means that it depends on the number of processors you have. It can be set to max if you want to use all the available processors, or a given value like 1 to use that exact number of JVMs.

  • tests.output what should be displayed to the console while running tests. By default it is set to onError but can be set to always

  • tests.verbose false by default

  • tests.seed if you need to reproduce a specific failure using the exact same random seed

  • tests.timeoutSuite how long a single can run. It’s set by default to 600000 which means 5 minutes.

  • tests.locale by default it’s set to random but you can force the locale to use.

  • tests.timezone by default it’s set to random but you can force the timezone to use, like CEST or -0200.

For example:

mvn install -rf :fscrawler-it \
  -Dtests.output=always \
  -Dtests.locale=fr-FR \
  -Dtests.timezone=CEST \
  -Dtests.verbose \
  -Dtests.leaveTemporary \

Check for vulnerabilities (CVE)

The project is using OSS Sonatype service to check for known vulnerabilities. This is ran during the verify phase.

Sonatype provides this service but with a anonymous account, you might be limited by the number of tests you can run during a given period.

If you have an existing account, you can use it to bypass this limit for anonymous users by setting sonatype.username and sonatype.password:

mvn verify -DskipTests \ \

If you want to skip the check, you can run with

mvn clean install

If a CVE needs a temporary exclusion, you can add it to the excludeVulnerabilityIds list of the ossindex maven plugin in the pom.xml file:

        <!-- LINK TO CVE and COMMENT -->

Docker build

The docker images build is ran when calling the maven package phase. If you want to skip the build of the images, you can manually use the docker.skip option:

mvn package -Ddocker.skip

DockerHub publication

To publish the latest build to DockerHub you can manually call docker:push maven task and provide credentials docker.push.username and docker.push.password:

mvn -f distribution/pom.xml docker:push \
    -Ddocker.push.username=yourdockerhubaccount \

Otherwise, if you call the maven deploy phase, it will be done automatically. Note that it will still require that you provide the credentials docker.push.username and docker.push.password:

mvn deploy \
    -Ddocker.push.username=yourdockerhubaccount \

You can also provide the settings as environment variables: